sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009
Cheap philosophy in a shitty poetry
( 15.12.08)
The hardest thing for me to do…
Is living simple
For as much I’d like not to
A choice is multiple.
So… I feel myself growing
From the inside out,
I understand the flowing
But keep fighting it in doubt
As great is my desire,
As straight it is the line,
My feet are touching fire,
The line deforms my spine.
They say its’s worth it…
Taking the risk
I try to be brave and take it,
Listen backwards the disc…
But for the moment I am tired
I ‘ve had my passion turned to trash
I’m empty as I am desired
Past passes loudly in a flash…
Go play!
vineri, 18 decembrie 2009
Autre nouveau debut
de Anca Elena Petrache (24.09.09)
Ma resolution finale
C’est au debut de ma histoire
Où j’ai finis de vivre derisoire
Et comencé banale.
Je m’énerve … pas trôp
Mais la plupart c’est par ma faute.
Comme ça soufrir par mon defaut
Me rend mon propre trôp.
C’est bien bisare
Aprendre à voler avec une aile à moi
Et une nouvelle inconnue qui est à toi
C’est bien bisare ça!
joi, 17 decembrie 2009
miercuri, 16 decembrie 2009
de Anca Elena Petrache (12.10.09)
Uneori cred c-am să-nebunesc de atâta emoţie!
Inspir adânc culoarea si tac.
În josul crengilor stă un copac.
Uneori cred c-am sã-nebunesc de atâta emoţie!
Parfum de nebunie se iveşte dintre faldurile rochiei!
Diafane priviri de simţiri mă învăluie
Într-o aripă lungă cu trenă străvezie.
Parfum de nebunie se iveşte dintre faldurile rochiei!
Cu simturile-nchise simt intens noi simţuri!
Pietrele încă dorm sub cursul de râu.
Calul sălbatic aleargă fără frâu.
Cu simţurile-nchise simt intens noi simţuri!
Cât te iubesc, viaţă!
Cât te iubesc, viaţă!
de Anca Elena Petrache ( 25.09.09)
Ce-mi place să te cânt pe tine toată
Si să te sorb, viaţă, dintr-o dată,
Căci te ador cu nebunia-mi toatã
Si ştiu c-am sã te pierd numai o dată.
Cu haina ta de suflete si vise colorate,
Un carusel de sentimente mari si late,
Tu mi le dai să le trăiesc pe toate,
Să te descopăr cât de-adânc se poate.
Si te iubesc atât dulce viaţ-a mea
De câte ori mă faci să cad de pe o stea
Si mă ridici din nou cu aripa mai grea
Tesându-mi fir cu fir povestea.
Ce mult îmi plac pietrele colorate
Si zâmbetele luminoase toate
Ce vin după dureri decolorate
Să-mi coasă rochii decoltate …
… Să poatã exploda lumina de iubire
S-o răspândesc aievea în nestire
Si să le pun cununi de aur si safire
În locul locului de răstignire.
Peisaj de toamna
de Elena Anca Petrache ( 16.11.08)
Pe-un cer de plin albastru,
şi soarele ascuns,
Îmi creşte copacul măiastru,
Cu roşiile-i frunze-n sus.
Pe fata mea se oglindeste lacul,
În cer îşi are rădăcina copacul,
şi-l cresc până la mare,
Ca sã-l hrănească cu sare.
Pe-un nor îmi pluteşte dorinţa,
Din inimă-mi creşte pasiunea,
După mine-alearga raţiunea,
şi împreună-mi deschid portiţa.
Zâmbesc. Nu pot să intru azi.
Încă nu e seară
şi uite mulţimea de brazi,
Ce mă aşteaptă afară!
Mai rămîn doar puţin,
Sã le întind si lor visul,
Apoi împreună venim,
Să-mi împlinim scrisul.
Symbolic lost
Symbolic lost
by Anca Elena PETRACHE
( 22.12.08)
I’m just in time to say the small words
For as I closed the book of lost
I found me hanging empty on two roads
And in my pocket a sun-ray that was frost.
I started running to the little light,
But I was running backwards.
My days and nights started a fight
My inside screamed to save me outwards.
I stopped and listened for awhile…
Your silence brought before the curtain.
And as I wanted to gaze in the pile,
You fell asleep, like in a coffin.
The sparkle in your eye gave you away.
I felt the light, the darkness of that day…
And suddenly I knew that I was not to stay.
I woke-up watching the blue sky in the hay.
Something has left from where it was,
Someone has been replaced with light,
Something came in the place of the old laws,
Someone replaced another for this new fight.
Fabrica secolului meu
E ca mersul pe aţă
Sau ca zborul cu aripi de ceară
Sub soarele torid de vară.
De ce inventaţi maşinării,
Ce nu le puteţi opri?
Construiţi drumuri mii
Spre lumi fumurii…
Fugiţi să vă prindeţi trecutul
Fără să vedeţi prezentul,
Goliţi zâmbete-n deşert
Ca să zburaţi spre incert…
Dacă nu ştii unde vrei s-ajungi
Nu contează pe ce drum o apuci!
Vã miciţi zilnic visele
Ca să măriti între voi prăpăstiile
Ooo…bieţi roboţi!
Voi credeţi că trăiţi?
Mereu mai goi si mereu toţi…
De ce n-ainte de-a muri muriti?
cu tristeţe- de Anca Elena Petrache
( 21.11.2008)
Freakin' out here!
23.nov.2009 I’m kinda’ freakin’ out here, on this lousy couch for two-three weeks now. Caught between spinning feelings until I drop down laughing or cryin’, feeling actually nothing right now… just this fuckin’ body that rarely satisfies my idea of it and then… whatever there is out there, in the real world, passing me by, laugh or cry, sunny or cloudy, friends and unfriends just avoiding me plenty. Actually, everything is how I want it to be or better said the way I made it. Lost contacts this last year more than I ever would have thought I would… but it’s not enough. “It” wants more from me, tearing and pulling away all that I have and I’m so lost on this fuckin’ road that I’m stuck, really frozen here at this hundred thousand roads intersection that I’ve built. Keep loosing and recovering my soul and goals when I know somewhere deep inside, more reprimed than it ever was, that without someone to join me in this life travel I’m nothing. All this bitch ass life is fuckin’ unsure and I keep knocking in empty doors, all the same things repeating themselves on and on under different shapes confuse and empty me up to not knowing why I should cry or laugh. I so need a good advice from any wise man but from someone who can totally understand and not judge me… I just need a life lesson or something, and also I need to take things one step at a time… I just feel that if I don’t ensure the rest of my life right now I will be lost, and still so conscious that I’m absolutely powerless over the things that are to happen. The love of life is one love that kills and we’re all in love with this bitch. I want to make the best of what I was given and no one said it’s gonna’ be easy but no one said it’s gonna be this hard either, although I was expecting it to be … but not like this… I keep contradicting myself 4 times in a sentence and I’m so fuckin’ confused at this point that I don’t even know why I am swearing. It’s absolutely hard to be a grownup. And also I feel I’m lying to everyone with the thighs I do and what I’ve achieved because they admire me for something that just sounds better than it really is … and still I’m spinning in this circle where I sew my own web to be caught in it wherever I turn. I don’t want to end-up bad. I need a friend to tell all this, I need someone with greater belief than mine who can tell me it’s going to be all right, someone who cares for others than himself and the thing that gets more tears out of me is that I know this someone, whom I think I love with all my heart and who would be the best thing that happened to me except it didn’t… because he’s JUST a friend, likes to keep it like that and makes it clearer with any occasion … so also this often encountered unshared love fills my glass and my head is turning to each closed door and I have no idea how to go out, if I want to or … what am I going to reach if I open any of these hundred doors. Time passes and takes away my friends forming couples and babies and I am … still alive. I get so frightened of living sometimes… But I know I’ll make it, I am a fighter!
o veche mare plina
Salut delfinii cu inima iar ei, in salturi, imi raspund veseli. Cantam o multime de voci si instrumente si imbatam focul cu rasetele noastre. Iubim intens clipe si le transformam in eternitati. Ador briza realitatilor boeme ale cuvintelor rostite pe nisip, la rasarit si folosesc mii de sentimente ca sa-mi imbrac inima in haine stralucitoare ca apoi sa-mi scanteieze privirea si sa nu ma opresc din zambit.
Iubesc clipa de acum pentru ca simt intens si pentru ca am cunoscut Oameni. Pasiunea pura ma imbata si admiratia pentru frumos si bun si “ei” creste pana la Zenit. Si eu voi fii asa, Promit!
A, da! Si cat de mult inseamna o imbratisare…! Adorm in melodia primei raze de soare si ma scufund intr-o mare de visare…
French thoughts
On est une planète de negation et lutte contre toutes les choses autour de nous. N’est il pas si logique de les détruire un jour ? On ne veut pas faire des guerres mais chaque pays a ses soldats, ses armes et ses technologies de “défence”. On ne veut pas de polution mais on fume, on conduit, on consume plus que le necessaire chaque instant… Et bien… Nous, on est qui? On croit quoi?
“Carpe diem” - dit toute la planète… et on vive et on consume le plus possible parce-que on ne croit pas dans “la vie d’après” , ou dans des forces divines qui vont nous punir pour notres mauvaises decisions. Et même avec cette maniere de vivre chaque instant tu te réveilles le matin avec la même geule triste et ton tête plein de questions. Pourquoi tout va mal? Pourquoi les choses ne sortent pas comme tu veux?
Moi je dis… Ce n’est pas important, du tout, ce que tu ne crois pas. Etablis-toi, pour toi même, qui tu est, quelles sont tes rêves et objectifs et lutte pour les attaindre chaq’un! Tu vas faire des erreurs, tu vas tomber dans tont tête et c’est lá où il faut être le plus fort, car il faut se lever et recommencer. C’est comme ça q’on construit notre pouvoir intérieur, c’est comme ça q’on devient fort. La Tristesse est notre ennemi et on va la vaincre en le faisant rire. Trouve-toi!
Et si tu crois dans l’amour, la beauté et le bien quoi du mal?